

You can make a difference! Join US-IDF and contribute your dairy expertise to ensuring that dairy remains part of a healthy, nutritious diet and that the U.S. dairy industry can fairly compete in the global marketplace.

How Can You Benefit from US – IDF Membership?

Being a US-IDF member provides:

  • Direct input into setting global dairy standards and practices that align with those of your organization and the U.S. dairy industry. IDF is well respected among international organizations, due to all the expertise that National Committees like US-IDF bring to the table. It’s critical that the U.S. voice and position be heard, since many times our practices may be unique from other parts of the world. US-IDF has worked hard, and with success, to build our credibility on the global scene in this regard.
  • Access to the collective knowledge and experience of major dairying countries around the world.
  • Collaboration with other international organizations, like Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), International Standards Organization (ISO), Codex Alimentarius and others, to facilitate fair trade for dairy products. Membership provides a voice and a seat at the table for the U.S. dairy industry to be involved in the decision making of these important bodies.
  • Participation in IDF Standing Committees, providing the opportunity to meet and work with international leaders in a variety of dairy disciplines, advising the future direction of the world’s dairy industry.
  • Opportunity to be at the forefront of trends and innovations—from economics to scientific breakthroughs.

US-IDF – Your Link to the World’s Dairy Policies and Markets

Membership Application

For more information contact the US-IDF Secretariat at usidfsec@usidf.org

Program of Work

Working through IDF to Achieve U.S. Objectives

IDF’s priority is to provide science-based information for the benefit of the dairy sector as well as to international organizations, governments and legislators. 1200 experts appointed by IDF members, like US-IDF, work within 17 different Standing Committees that represent the various sectors of the dairy industry. IDF places great emphasis and importance on ensuring that the work conducted by the Standing Committees and Task Forces are of the highest scientific integrity and are relevant and applicable to the dairy sector and industry as a whole.

US-IDF is an important gateway for the U.S. dairy industry to influence decision at the global level. Through its membership in IDF, the organization gains insight into emerging issues relevant to the U.S. dairy industry. At the same time members participate in the various IDF Standing Committees, utilizing their expertise and working together to provide the U.S. perspective for each of these important areas of work, influencing positions and then working through IDF to influence global decision-makers as international guideline and standards are developed at venue such as Codex, FAO, OIE, ISO and others.

Standing Committees

  • Animal Health & Welfare
  • Food Standards
  • Dairy Science & Technology
  • Hygiene & Safety
  • Economics, Marketing & Policy
  • Environment
  • Nutrition & Health
  • Farm Management
  • Methods of Analysis & Sampling

Within the 17 Standing Committees, new work items are developed to address the needs of the dairy industry. Getting involved in this work allows US-IDF members to share their expertise while at the same time ensuring that global standards and practices are neutral with respect to things such as farm size, management practices, and geography.

US-IDF provides access to IDF’s global influence, and an important platform for making a difference on behalf of the U.S. dairy industry.