International Dairy Federation
The International Dairy Federation (IDF) is the only organization representing the entire dairy value chain at a global level. IDF provides a mechanism for the dairy sector to reach global consensus on how to help feed world with safe and sustainable dairy products A recognized international authority in the development of science-based standards for the dairy sector, IDF has an important role to play in ensuring the right policies, standards, practices and regulations are in place to ensure the world’s dairy products are safe and sustainable.
While IDF working groups cover a wide range of areas of expertise, four focus areas, seen as essential to achieve IDF’s vision, provide a common focus for the IDF work program:
- Nutrition and Health
- Sustainability
- Dairy Safety/Quality
- Standards

US-IDF is the doorway for the United States dairy industry to access this global platform. Founded in 1903, IDF is based in Brussels, Belgium. It’s mission is to promote and enhance the image, trade, production and consumption of milk and milk products worldwide by collecting and disseminating scientific, technical and economic information and providing a platform for meaningful exchange of professional knowledge and discussion. US-IDF members actively participate in all IDF program areas which are composed of experts nominated by each respective National Committee. Here is where US-IDF has a voice as well as a global network in which to interact.
IDF is composed of 43 member countries. Each member has a National Committee, such as US – IDF, who is responsible for their dairy industry’s input to IDF, nominating experts for work items, replying to questionnaires and attending various IDF meetings around the world. This forum allows for the global dairy sector to reach consensus on key dairy issues, then IDF serves as the global voice of dairy to intergovernmental organizations.
IDF Annual Report